The 6083 system was first created in 1983 as an effort to create a unique science fiction role playing experience. At the time, there were definitely other games in the genre that were available, but I was unaware of them. This is what happens when you grow up in a remote Alaskan village.
I had a burning desire for a military sci-fi space opera RPG. I set out to create a brand new game: one that had hard hitting and fast paced combat and used a skill based system. The first manual only clocked in at around 30 pages. However, as we developed the universe, more features continued to be added as needed, from simple ground vehicles to full blown starship combat.
Successive editions became more comprehensive, until it spanned three manuals with over 250 pages of content. Today, the 6083 system also features three manuals, and this version boasts new weapons, vehicles and gear that previously could only be found in handwritten notes, sketches and player created fan fiction.
The manuals aren’t the only thing that has expanded: it has continued to gain fans, although for some time, the only ones able to play it have been local playgroups. Over the years, the 6083 player base has continued to call for an officially published version, but I never seriously considered it, because I thought it would be nigh impossible. But here we are: technology has enabled me to present the game in a professional format. Over the past few years, I FINALLY have compiled the rules, lore, and art into an official release! Now, thousands of players have downloaded the game and are enjoying it!
SO, whether you love it already, or you are a total stranger to the game, just understand that 6083 is a culmination of over 40 years of design and rigorous playtesting. It has a rich lore and history that has grown through play, as well as through the contributions of it’s long time players. For those of us that play it, it is a labor of love.
PHYSICAL MANUALS are available now on DTRPG, as well as deluxe FULL COLOR PDF versions. I’m so excited to finally be able to share the universe and game that my players and I so lovingly created. It’s like nothing you’ve played before. Now go download the manuals, grab some friends and get to adventuring!
-Jason, in the year 2024