03 APRIL 24
Hey everyone!
We are still working away getting the newest adventure ready to go to publication. I’m currently focused upon the cover art, but as soon as that’s finished, it won’t be too long. Our local test group is playing the new contractor professions and stress testing the newest classifications, so when I’m satisfied everything is in a good place, I’ll be passing out a playtest document for our newsletter subscribers. I’d like to do this in about a month, so if you are interested in trying out some of the new stuff before it goes live, just subscribe
14 MARCH 24
It’s been awhile since I did a news post. As of today, all 6083 content is now available again. The physical GM’s Manual and Player’s Manual print versions were inaccessible for a few months while they received some updates. In other news, work continues on the newest adventure and the upcoming expansion, THE GALACTIC CODEX. It’s been a bit slow, because I have to create the artwork for these things, and I don’t use AI. However, I’m in the studio working on the cover for the new adventure, and it should be ready to publish in the next 30 days.
In other news, I’ll be putting out a call for reviewers soon. If you are a game reviewer and would like to take a look at the game in a professional capacity, I’ll be assisting you with that. Details to follow soon on social media. The short of it is, that if you have a youtube channel or other media platform that reviews games, I’ll get you a copy of the deluxe version of the game. Just message us here on site, via the “contact us,” tab above.
The Player’s manual pdf has been updated again! No big changes, but some cleanup, small fixes and a redo of one of the illustrations (I wasn’t happy with it). So nothing that would really affect your games, but if you like having the best and most current versions, then definitely go get it! The most current pdf file is dated 22 JAN 24. The print versions will be temporarily unavailable, as the pdfs for the Player’s Manual and the GM’s Manual need updating to match the current pdfs. The Alliance market is still available though, and it IS the most current version. Print versions are available exclusively on DTRPG. Expect a 2-3 week delay until the print versions of the GM’s Manual and Player’s manual are available to order again. All PDF versions are updated on DTRPG AND here on the 6083 site.
I’ll be prepping the mission adventure, THE SIGNAL for printing soon, but first I need to complete the next mission adventure, TOUR OF DUTY. This adventure will be available in about a month, and it will ONLY be available over on DTRPG.
Testing for the new expansion, THE GALACTIC CODEX, continues. If you would like to be part of testing, contact us on the official 6083 DISCORD (link here on the site), or message us via the CONTACT US email form submission in the above tab.
I hope everybody’s 2024 is starting out awesome!
Response to THE SIGNAL has been amazingly positive! Thank you to all of you who have downloaded this brand new mission adventure! I am back at work, getting the layout fort he next adventure, TOUR OF DUTY, ready for print! For those of you who are subscribers, I’ll be sending out a newsletter on New Years day: I’ll be talking about what lies ahead for 6083. (It’s a lot.)
The second introductory mission adventure, THE SIGNAL, is now live! Go download it right now! It will also be available over on DTRPG as a “Pay what you want” title. I’ve been working diligently on this mission for awhile now, but it’s finally ready to play! 6083 also got an updated review on the Talking About Games YOUTUBE channel: you should go check out that too!
The Player’s Manual and the GM’s Manual have both received important updates! Make sure to get the most current versions. They are available here on site, as well as over at Drive Thru RPG!
What’s new:
o The Drakkens have received an important adjustment to how their wing armor is armored.
o Rift Afflictions have received some important adjustments
o Opposed Encounters are now handled differently. There’s a new and more dynamic mechanic in place that is very similar to the dogfighting mechanic.
o Corrections and clarifications that should improve the player experience.
The Alliance Market has been updated again! There are some important corrections in regards to Deflector Field Units and a few typo corrections. THIS update is pretty important, especially if you are participating in vehicle combat of any type.
14 AUGUST 23
ALL versions of the 6083 manuals are now live over at DTRPG! There’s also a NEW version of 6083 available: full color pdfs are finally available for purchase. If you love digital, these versions are more budget friendly, fully bookmarked, and contain useful hyperlinks back to the 6083 website! Available EXCLUSIVELY at
05 JULY 23
We had to fix and re-upload many of the fillable forms. if you have had issues with fields duplicating, it should be corrected now. please let us know if you find anything we missed!
01 JULY 23
We are working diligently towards converting all sheets to pdf fillable forms! All of the character sheets are already finished, but we are still working on the vehicle pdf forms. There is one more ship layout sheet to do, and then the focus will shift to ensuring ALL vehicle sheets are properly available! There has been a five day delay on getting proofs for the physical manuals reordered, but as soon as they are available, I’ll send out notifications.
27 JUN 23
All pdfs have been updated once again. Each time the game gets an update, it gets just just a little more polished. The physical versions are in the process of getting their own updates as well: they will match the pdf versions, and they’ll be ready in about three weeks! We’ve also converted all of the blank character sheets and supplemental sheets into fillable pdf forms. The PNG versions are still available as well, but if you prefer to do your gaming online, you are now set! You’ll also notice some NEW supplemental sheets. Purely optional, but if organization is your thing, you now have several new options, like the loadout sheet! The loadout sheet is similar to backpack sheets used in other modern TTRPGs, and it can really help a player understand where their character’s gear is carried. Go check out all the new stuff!
13 MAY 23
The PDF files for the PLAYER’S MANUAL and the GM’s MANUAL have been updated! There have been many small improvements and corrections. They are available on DTRPG and right here on the 6083 website!
28 NOV 22
22 NOV 22
Guess what! The manuals will be available for purchase within the week! The proofs arrived, and they look great!
26 OCT 22
Just finished sending all the manuals’ updated files to the printer! Now we have to wait until the proofs come back! Cross your fingers, this might be the last set of checks before the books all go live on DTRPG!
07 OCT 22
The Player’s Manual proof looked great, but there were some small issues I needed to correct. These changes have been submitted to the printer. The GM’s Manual has also been submitted, so we should get proofs in a couple of weeks. Until then, I’ll be prepping the Alliance Market for submission as well! The goal is still to have all three books available by the holidays!
22 SEP 22
More great news! The printed versions of the 6083 Player’s Manual have been accepted by the printer and proofs have been ordered! The Player’s Manual will be available in two formats: A premium full color hardcover version and a full color softcover version that’s more budget friendly. Both will be available from DTRPG exclusively. However, we gotta slow down just a bit: the proofs need to be checked before they are made available to the public, and shipping could take some time, so patience please! Once I confirm they are good to go, I’ll be repeating this process with the GM’s Manual and the Alliance Market. Once all three are ready for public release, You’ll be able to order them from Drive Thru RPG. It’s a bit of a process, but I need to ensure that by the time players are able to order, that they are in the best state possible. However, expect to be able to order the whole system before Christmas. My goal is that players should be able to have printed copies in hand going into the holidays. I’m working diligently to make that happen as soon as possible: I’d love for players to be able to be able to run a 6083 game WITH PRINTED MANUALS on their holiday breaks! Everyone have a great day!
19 SEP 22
Exciting news! The YOU TUBE channel, Talking About Games, posted a video overview of 6083, and it is really cool! Definitely go check this out!
In other news, two out of the three books received a full pass of proofreading and layout adjustments. There have also been some corrections and clarifications, and I feel like they are in really great shape right now! It won’t be long until physical copies will be available from the POD service over at DTRPG! The Alliance Market is currently undergoing the same detail oriented review! They’re all coming to print soon though: I can’t wait to share these books with you all!
It’s been awhile, but the GM’s Manual has received a very hard look: It is now fully illustrated. It’s also received some adjustments and improvements, additional lore and a very thorough round of proofreading! The other manuals are getting the same treatment, and they’ll receive file updates as soon as that’s complete!
31 JULY 2022
Sorry I’ve been away: family matters were a priority this month. Still, I’ve updated all the manual files, and once again, I’ve made some important corrections as well as implemented some clarifications. The manuals will also be live on DTRPG soon.
In other, more exciting news, I was interviewed by MILDRA the Gaming Monk, of You Tube fame. I thoroughly enjoyed the interview, and he and I got to chat about gaming, the military and of course all things 6083. You can find the video here!
01 JULY 2022
FILE UPDATES ARE LIVE! The Gm’s Manual has received a ton of new illustrations for the enemy factions section as well as the codex! The Alliance Market now has all of it’s intended illustrations! Still working on THE SIGNAL. Sorry about that, but the priority has shifted to getting layout finalized so I can get the Hardcover physical manuals ready to print.
In other news, 6083 will be receiving another video review soon, and that will also include an interview- more to follow. Cantrips and Coffee will be adventuring in the 6083 universe soon! In August, I have the honor of running a game of 6083 for them! More to follow on this soon as well!
23 MAY 2022
GREAT NEWS! The PDF manuals all have functioning bookmarks and hyperlinks! They also each feature a full INDEX now!
19 MAY 2022
THE LOST PATROL mission has received an update. This is mostly polish and some minor corrections. Nothing major, but it is the best version available. Download it for free here on the site or over at DTRPG (also free.)
16 MAY 2022
There’s a new version of the Player’s Manual that is now live on the site as well as on DTRPG! This version is extremely polished: there won’t be many more changes made to this manual. There’s also some important inclusions that impact Gallantians and Ranger Robots: They have a PF reduction that was missed until now. It has been corrected. There are also a few new Special Skills recommended by players. Check out “Deja Vu” and “Hoverpad Training.” Work continues on “the Signal.” Please be patient- it’s coming!
06 MAY 2022
The PDF files have ALL been updated! Go download these improved versions of the 6083 rulebooks now! They are available here on site, or over at DTRPG.
BIG NEWS! The YOU TUBE channel MR STEVEN WOLFE published his review of the 6083 system! As promised, here’s the link: go check it out- it’s a great review, and Steven really nails a lot of what 6083 is about! Big thanks to Steven! Please go watch his video, and give the video a like and a follow: it helps both him AND 6083!
23 APRIL 2022
Dice sets for 6083 will be temporarily unavailable! Unfortunately our dice partner is unable to continue making dice for 6083. This saddens me immensely, as Juli at FuzzyFins Dice is an amazing dice-smith. However, due to important life events she needed to scale back her operation, and this is completely understandable. Juli continues to be a friend of 6083, and I wish her every success!
This means that I will be looking at either making the dice myself, or perhaps seeking a new manufacturer: 6083 dice sets WILL be available in the future! Thank you for your patience in this matter.
In other news, I’ll be publishing a new updated set of pdfs at the end of the month. I’d do it now, but I’m working diligently on illustrations: my goal is to get as many illustrations into the updates as I can.
I’m also looking at releasing the physical versions of the full color pdfs on DTRPG when they are ready, but as POD only. This means that you’ll still (always) be able to get a copy of the regular pdfs for free, but customers could order physical copies of the full color versions as POD books. I’m still thinking this over, and we are still some months away from doing this anyhow, but it’s something I am considering. If you follow our newsfeed here, let me know if this would interest you!
09 APRIL 2022
LOTS going on! First off, the new file update for April is LIVE NOW. Make sure to download the new files: there’s a ton of new art, corrections and clarifications. Check out the addition of the HR Comparison Matrix in the GM’s Manual (and also here on the site.) There’s also a new menu item on the site- SUPPLEMENTS. This new location is the destination for helpful items that don’t really fit elsewhere. Currently, that’s where you can download the Rift Witch casting table as well as the HR Matrix!
6083 had several shout outs this month! One was on a podcast called “Have to Look That Up.” Some very kind comments were made about 6083, and there might be more to follow: we’ll have to listen in and see!
The YouTuber MrStevenWolfe also said some really AWESOME things about 6083, and he’ll be doing a full review later this month! I’ll link it here when that happens!
12 MAR 2022
I’m excited to announce that the Link to FuzzyFins official 6083 dice is live now! If you want to get a set of 6083 dice, go to to the 6083 HOME page and look for the link to 6083 dice sets!
Also, the first 3 PRE-MADE Characters are ready and available! Go to the character sheets link and find them there!
07 MAR 2022
The interview with Cantrips and Coffee just posted a little while ago. Want to hear me ramble about all things 6083? Go check it out!
01 MAR 2022
BIG updates! New versions of all three manuals are new available. This includes MANY corrections, quality of life changes and rule clarifications/ simplifications. This also includes a GUICK-START set of rules that appear in the GM’s Manual. This QUICK-START RULE-SET is only 12 pages long, but contains a comprehensive set of rules to get new GMs playing quickly. These rules are streamlined, and are fully compatible with all 6083 material. Feel like the rules are too much? THIS is the way to get started.
ALSO, ALDANI DICE are now selling the official set of 6083 dice! I’ll be putting a page up with links to their storefront in a few days, so get ready for that.
There’s a new Armor Layering Diagram that was developed with the feedback from one of our players. If you use this sheet, you should be pleasantly surprised by the better utility this new sheet provides!
Finally, I really wanted to get the next official 6083 mission published, but this has been delayed. It will still be happening SOON, but other things need to get taken care of first. Thank you for your patience.
31 JAN 2022
The last news of the month! Get ready for an important file update in early FEB: there’s some important corrections going into the books- all of them, plus new illustrations. This will be happening within the next 10 days!
26 JAN 2022
While my chief editor and I were doing some corrections I found that the Alliance Market PDF was unreadable both here as well as DTRPG: this has been fixed. My apologies if you have been unable to download the market: now you can. We also are making some important corrections for the next round of updates: these will affect the GM’s Manual, and the Alliance Market mostly. The problem right now, is that the prices for certain armor items are incorrect. This was an oversight that I didn’t catch prior to launch day.
If you as a player see a needed correction, please use our “CONTACT US” page to submit the issue. Just remember to be specific: which manual, which page, etc. Also, I’d love to hear your feedback in general, you can submit that kind of information there as well, or you can join our discord: the link is to the right of the Facebook icon. You could also use Facebook or Instagram: all roads lead to the same source anyhow lol.
24 JAN 2022
Cantrips and Coffee’s 6083 first look is out now. They did an amazing job digging into the Player’s Manual! Check out their podcast at the link below!
In other news, the next free mission adventure will launch at the end of February: I hate to push back the release date, but the art isn’t done, and free or not, I don’t want to launch this before it’s complete. The art is such an important part of making a successful mission, and it’s taking longer than I thought, plus I’m adjusting to real life demands that have also caused delays elsewhere.
18 JAN2022
I just got confirmation that Cantrips and Coffee’s first look of the game will be broadcast on MONDAY! Their podcast can be found wherever you listen to podcasts at. I use Spotify, but, whatever works for you! These guys run a great podcast about tabletop role playing games, and they also drink and rate different coffees while they do that. Check them out here:
14 JAN 2022
All the core rulebooks and LOST PATROL have been updated! There’s a bit of new art, plus some important corrections! If you’ve already got the PDFs, it’s worth downloading the most recent copies. They will also be available on Drive Thru RPG by the 15th.
12 JAN 2022
GOOD NEWS! We are working on getting a GM’s Screen ready to print! This will likely be available on DTRPG. We’ll keep you updated when it is available for purchase!
06 JAN 2022
The character sheets and basic vehicle sheet have all been updated. A minor adjustment, but now there’s a little more room to write your equipment in. Also, on the basic character sheet, “Handedness” now appears. This was an oversight when I created the new sheets: it’s now been fixed. Also I am finding more things to correct in the manuals, so there will probably be a mid-month file upload so everybody has access to the best versions of the PDFs.
Aldani Dice has informed me that they have the masters for the official dice set! I actually got a look at them, and they are awesome! The six face of each D6 will feature the MC crest, and all of the numbers are a sci-fi font. It will be three more weeks before we can see a full set cast from the masters. When I get the first set, those will be featured in the manuals. As soon as Aldani gives me a thumbs up, we’ll also have a direct link to purchase them on this site on the main page.
03 JAN 2022
The LOST PATROL is now live on Drive Thru RPG! Go download it from there (or here). I am now working on the second mission, “THE SIGNAL,” which should be available by the end of this month. Get ready for some starship and vehicle combat!
30 DEC 2021
The free starter mission, “THE LOST PATROL” is now live on the site. It will also be available on Drive Thru RPG in a few days! I am working on getting the second free mission out, and that should be out before the end of January. The first 6083 episode from Cantrips and Coffee will also be live soon! We will also be looking for more reviewers after Cantrips and Coffee has finished their podcasts.
22 DEC 21
The Player’s Manual has been updated. Just a few corrections for mistakes related to formatting the PDF versions. There’s also some grammatical error corrections and small layout adjustments. You may not even really notice, but if you choose to download it again, you’ll receive the updated version that is the 22DEC21 build.
20 DEC 21
The Free Starter Mission, “The Lost Patrol” is nearly finished, but won’t be released today as I had planned. My apologies for the delay, it IS coming very soon, but I won’t release a mission that’s not ready. I’m still finishing up some important details, and as soon as those get finalized, I’ll release the mission. My goal is to get it out before X-mas. Thank you for your patience!
In other news, the master set of dice for 6083 is being worked on now. I’ll announce more as we get more news!
13 DEC 21
The date for the release of the free starter mission, “The Lost Patrol” has been moved to the 20th of December. Also, it’s confirmed: players will be able to get a set of 6083 dice in the near future. More to follow as we get specifics!
06 DEC 2021
6083 is now available on Drive-Thru RPG! This doesn’t change anything other than giving the game a larger reach. If you decide to download it from that site, please remember to rate it. Actually, if you like the system, it will help a lot if you are able to rate it on Drive Thru RPG!
04 DEC 2021
6083 now has a Discord! There’s not much here right now, but now the 6083 community has an official place to discuss the game! We also have an announcement regarding another marketplace: stand by for more! In other news, the podcast CANTRIPS AND COFFEE starts recording soon. I’ll put links to their podcast here on the site very soon!
03 DEC 21
-We are on Facebook now as well! Spent the morning hooking up our social media! Very special thanks to my wife Valarie (and partner in crime), who is an actual genius.
02 DEC 2021
-The GM and Player’s manual have been updated! For some reason, the new character sheets didn’t make it into the earlier version. That’s been fixed now.
-We also have great news! ALDANI DICE has agreed to let their dice be featured in the manuals! As soon as we are able to get a photo shoot complete, we’ll update the manuals with proper photos of these amazing dice. More to follow soon!
-Our DONATE button is live! We won’t charge anything for the system PDF files, the upcoming starter adventures or any of the supplemental material. If you appreciate what is going on here and you’d like to show support, you can now!
01 DEC 2021
6083 is working on partnering with a Dice Manufacturer to create a set of custom dice specific to our system. More news as soon as we have an update!