Select one of these PRE-MADE characters to start your adventure right away!
RACMER INVESTIGATOR. Perfect for players who want to play a serious and tough as nails investigator. Good with pistols, but also good in a fistfight, especially with those horns they have: a natural benefit of being a Racmer. RANK 1
TERRAN TECH. A skilled mechanic, especially when it comes to robotics. Able to drive ground vehicles, armored vehicles and keep team equipment repaired. Also gifted in healing synthetic life forms like robots. RANK 1
GALLANTIAN EXO PILOT. At only 3 and a half feet tall, they are tiny compared to the suit of Light Exo Armor they operate. They might look cute and furry, but once in their exo, they are a force to be reckoned with. Perfect for the player who likes to be the tank in a party.
Players who choose this RANK 1 character may also want to download the Light Exo Armor Vehicle Sheet OR a Blank Vehicle Sheet.
KL-4 TRACER. This former bounty hunter now works for CAPSOG as a Tracer. Same job, different title. This little robot can track down almost anything. Just don’t call them little. This is a RANk 1 character.
DECRON MEDIC. This robot was once a field medic for the Alliance Marines, but now serves with MC. A solid all-round character, they can provide extensive healing support for their team, as well as combat capability! RANK 1
TERRAN INVESTIGATOR. A jaded but highly capable RANK 3 Investigator. They have a secret few know about them: they are an excellent cook.
ANDUINI MEDIC. This RANK 3 Medic is an accomplished medic. They also are an exceptional musician. Perfect for those wanting to play a support character!
FORONIAN SCOUT. A formidable RANK 3 Scout from the the feline Foronian species. Your team’s eyes out in the field. They also are a class 1 star pilot.
CELANDE INTERMEDIARY. Because not every mission is about shooting your way to victory. This RANK 3 synthetic is an expert negotiator and linguist.
CALEDONIAN PILOT 2. A more advanced RANK 3 pilot. Another Caledonian, but with a bit less tragic backstory. They also have some great repair skills, but for personal gear.